Wheat production in Pakistan can be divided into three distinct periods:
1947-65, 1966-76 & 1976- todate. Wheat production increased by 647% from
1948 to 2006 whereas area increased by 210% in this period. Wheat worth
of Rs. 220 b is produced year-1, where in one percent gain/loss in wheat
production would be equal to Rs. 2.20 b. During the last 11 years
(1999-2009), production varied from 18.223 to 23.40 m t with average
yield of 2262 to 2585 Kg ha- 1. Wheat production is prime objective in
agri. policies; contributes 13.8% to the value added products in agri.&
3.2% to the GDP. The wheat in arid zones often suffers a serious
moisture stress throughout its life cycle. Wheat yield improvement in
the rainfed areas would be the basis for eliminating hunger and to cope
with demands of population and indirectly upgrade the socio-economic
status of the farming community. The book in hand provides baseline
information on stability, adaptability and genetic gain in wheat. It can
furnish useful guide line for wheat breeders, policy makers,
agricultural graduates and should be in every agriculture library.