The signi? cance of "spirituality in management" is acquiring
considerable international recognition. It is one of the "hottest"
emerging ? elds in management. A number of recent events underscore this
development. In February 2000 the Indian Institute of Management
organized a "Corporate Reputation for Competitive Advantage" workshop in
Calcutta, which focused on spirituality, ethics and leadership. The
conference "Business, Religion and Spirituality" was held at the
University of Notre Dame in April th 2000. In April 2001 the
International Academy of Business Disciplines held its 13 annual meeting
in Orlando, Florida and had a track on Spirituality in Organizations. In
April 2002 a world conference was organized in New York entitled "Spirit
in Business: Ethics, Mindfulness and the Bottom Line. " These and other
important scienti? c events clearly show that spirituality is no longer
considered to be purely a matter of individual search, and is becoming
more and more recognized in management and business ethics circles. Our
"Spirituality in Management" workshop was held in July 1-3, 2001 in
Szeged, Hungary. It was jointly organized by the Business Ethics Center
of the Budapest University of Economic Sciences, the Faculty of
Economics and Business Administration and the Department for the Study
of Religion of the University of Szeged. Scholars and practitioners from
13 countries represented disciplines as diverse as economics, business,
management studies, philosophy, theology, sociology, and medical
anthropology. Participants included PETER PRUZAN, Copenhagen Business
School (Denmark); S. K.