separated by the exigencies of the design life cycle into another
compartment, that makes invisible the (prior) technical work of
engineers that is not directly pertinent to the application work of
practitioners. More recently (and notably after the work of Greisemer
and Star) the black box has been opened and infrastructure has been
discussed in terms of the social relations of an extended group of
actors that includes developers. Ethical and political issues are
involved (cf f accountable computing). Writing broadly within this
context, Day (chapter 11) proposes that the concept of 'surface' can
assist us to explore space as the product of 'power and the affective
and expressive role for materials', rather than the background to this.
Surfaces are the 'variously textured...sites for mixtures between
bodies', and are thus the 'sites for events'. The notions of 'folding'
and 'foldability' and 'unfolding' are discussed at length, as metaphors
that account for the interactions of bodies in space across time. Some
of the contributors to this volume focus on ways in which we may
experience multiple infrastructures. Dix and his colleagues, for
example, in chapter 12 explore a complex of models - of spatial context,
of 'mixed reality boundaries' and of human spatial understanding across
a number of field projects that make up the Equator project to explain
the ways in which co-existing multiple spaces are experienced.