The past few years have seen the emergence of a growing, widespread
desire in this country, and indeed everywhere, that positive actions be
taken to restore the quality of our environment, and to protect it from
the degrading effects of all forms of pollution-air, noise, solid waste,
and water. Since pollution is a direct or" indirect consequence of
waste, if there is no waste, there can be no pollution, and the
seemingly idealistic demand for" zero discharge" can be construed as a
demand for zero waste. However, as long as there is waste, we can only
attempt to abate the consequent pollution by converting it to a less
noxious form. In those instances in which a particular type of pollution
has been recognized, three major questions usually arise: 1, How serious
is the pollution? 2, Is the technology to abate it available? and 3, Do
the costs of abatement justify the degree of abatement achieved? The
principal intention of this series of books is to help the reader to
formulate answers to the last two of the above three questions. The
traditional approach of applying tried-and-true solutions to specific
pollution problems has been a major factor contributing to the success
of environmental engineering, and in large measure has accounted for the
establishing ofa "methodology of pollution control.