This book is intended as an introductory text on Solid Mechanics
suitable for engineers, scientists and applied mathematicians. Solid
mechanics is treated as a subset of mathematical engineering and courses
on this topic which include theoretical, numerical and experimental
aspects (as this text does) can be amongst the most interesting and
accessible that an undergraduate science student can take. I have
concentrated entirely on linear elasticity being, to the beginner, the
most amenable and accessible aspect of solid mechanics. It is a subject
with a long history, though its development in relatively recent times
can be traced back to Hooke (circa 1670). Partly because of its long
history solid mechanics has an 'old fashioned' feel to it which is
reflected in numerous texts written on the subject. This is particularly
so in the classic text by Love (A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of
Elasticity 4th ed., Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1927). Although there is a
wealth of information in that text it is not in a form which is easily
accessible to the average lecturer let alone the average engineering
student. This classic style avoiding the use of vectors or tensors has
been mirrored in many other more 'modern' texts.