Soft Skills For Hard Business explores the deep link between and the
relevance of Behavioural Sciences in relation to the broad spectrum of
Procurement, Supplier Relationship Management, Contract Management,
Supply Chain Management and more. Current practice has generally focused
on how procurement and the associated disciplines have been centred
around logical and rational approaches, such as category management.
This has further been reinforced by the use of many electronic platforms
and systems and more recently digitalisation, AI, robotics and many
other variants. However, despite the thoroughness and robustness of many
of these processes, the profession has failed to consistently deliver
competitive advantage that can be sustained from one enterprise to
another. This book shows how aspects of Behavioural Sciences can be used
to encourage significantly more complex and robust outcomes. These
include chapters covering the foundations of Behavioural Science,
understanding the 'Soft Skills' that we already employ, how to hone them
and use them more efficiently, understanding biases and how to recognise
and process them, game theory and its role, change management and
overcoming cognitive hurdles and many other aspects.