A colleague recently recounted a conversation she had had with a group
of graduate students. For reasons that she cannot recall, the discussion
had turned to the topic of "old-fashioned" ideas in
psychology-perspectives and beliefs that had once enjoyed widespread
support but that are now regarded as quaint curiosities. The students
racked their brains to outdo one ofthe historical trivia of psychology:
Le Bon's another with their knowledge fascination with the "group mind,"
Mesmer's theory of animal magnetism, the short-lived popularity of
"moral therapy," Descartes' belief that erec- tions are maintained by
air from the lungs, and so on. When it came his tum to contribute to the
discussion, one student brought up an enigmatic journal he had seen in
the library stacks: the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. He
thought that the inclusion of abnormal and social psychology within the
covers of a single journal seemed an odd combination, and he wondered
aloud what sort of historical quirk had led psychologists of an earlier
generation to regard these two fields as somehow related. Our colleague
then asked her students if they had any ideas about how such an odd
combination had found its way into a single journal.