The World Health Organization's concept of health as "the condition of
psychophysical and social well-being" must be translated into opera-
tional terms. The objective is to place the human person within the
social system, given that mental health, mental illness, and suffering
are individual, despite the fact that their causes are to be sought in
the society and environment that surround and interact with the indi-
vidual. One dimension that must be emphasized in this field is the
contin- uum that exists between social environment and cerebral
development. This continuum consists of the physical and biological
features of the two interacting systems: on one hand, the brain managed
and con- trolled by the genetic program, and, on the other hand, the
environ- ment, be it natural or social. A simple dichotomy of individual
and environment is no longer a sufficient concept in understanding the
etiology of mental health and illness. Needless to say,
socioepidemiological research in psychiatry and transcultural psychiatry
is useful in reaching these ends. However, at the root of mental
illness, one can always find the same causal elements: informational
chaos, inadequate dietary intake, substance abuse, trauma, conditioning,
and so on, which make the interactive systems dysfunctional. Subsequent
organic and psychotic disorders occur to the detriment of both the
individual and society. Current biological psychiatry is inadequately
equipped in treating mental illness.