At the very heart of the conception of the present volume lies the
conviction that social economics is a highly pluralistic discipline,
inspired and enriched by several often radically different world views,
Schumpeterian visions, and at times even quite antagonistic social
doctrines. Yet, in spite of all these differences, social economists can
nevertheless be seen and also approached as some kind of economic
brotherhood for various reasons dissatisfied with the austere
"value-free" diet offered by the pOSitivistic neoclassical paradigm.
What all social economists seem to have in common is a profound interest
in values and the process of valuation in order to more fully understand
both economic behavior and the possibilities of improving the economic
system. Such a distinguishing characteristic is also well articulated
and enshrined in Article I of the Constitution of the Association of
Social Economics where we are told that the aims and objectives of the
Association shall be: 1. To foster research and publication centered on
the reciprocal relationship between economic science and broader
questions of human dignity, ethical values, and social philosophy, [and
to] encourage the efforts of all scholars who are dedicated to
exploring the ethical presuppositions and implications of economic
science. 2. To consider the personal and social dimensions of economic
problems and to assist in the formulation of economic policies
consistent with a concern for ethical values and pluralistic community
and the demands of personal dignity.