What determines the focus of a researcher's interest, the sources of
inspiration for a study, or the variables scrutinized? If we were to
examine the antecedents of these decisions, they would surely emerge as
accidents of circumstance--the personal experiences of the researcher,
the inspiration of early mentors, the influence of contemporary
colleagues--all tempered by the intellectual currents that nurture the
researcher's hypotheses. Among the accidents that mold the careers of
researchers is geographic location. The culture in which a research
program emerges helps determine both its very subject and its method.
The primary purpose of this book is to assist those interested in the
scientific study of children's social competence in transcending the
boundaries imposed both by geography and by selective exposure to the
highly diverse schools of thought that have led to interest in this
field. Most of these ideas were presented and exchanged at an Advanced
Study Institute entitled "Social Competence in Developmental
Perspective" held in Savoie, France, in July 1988. This Institute was
attended by scholars from France, England, Northern Ireland, Germany,
Italy, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Canada, the United States
and Brazil. Those who participated will recognize that the metamorphosis
from lecture to chapter has necessitated many changes. In order to
accommodate the reader who may be unfamiliar with the field, more
attention has been paid here to identifying the theoretical contexts of
the research described.