A little bird falls in the snow. His friends come to help him! This
Level C book is perfect for new readers.
Snow is fun, and snow is quiet--but snow is heavy, too. A tin bird is
perched upon a branch that begins to strain under the weight of a heavy
snowfall. When the branch breaks, the bird falls into the deep, deep
snow. His friends--a bunny, two mice, a squirrel, and an owl--try to
rescue him.
Luckily, little bird can fly! He can help himself. The friends rejoice.
Snow is fun-- and snow is especially fun with friends.
With very simple text and bright wintry illustrations, Snow is Fun is
perfect for beginners to read themselves, or to share. Your new reader
will build skills, gain confidence, and have fun too!
This book has been officially leveled by using the F&P Text Level
Gradient(TM) Leveling System.
For readers who've mastered basic sight words, Level C books feature
slightly longer sentences and a wwider range of high-frequency words
than Level B books. Level C books are suitable for mid-to-late
kindergarten readers. When Level C is mastered, follow up with Level D.
The award-winning I Like to Read series features guided reading levels A
through G, based upon Fountas and Pinnell standards. Acclaimed
author-illustrators--including winners of Caldecott, Theodor Seuss
Geisel, and Coretta Scott King honors--create original high-quality
illustrations that support comprehension of simple text and are fun for
kids to read again and again with their parents, teachers, or on their