The present voLume continues the series on "Organotin Compounds" which
first appeared in 1975 and now comprises a coLLection of fourteen
voLumes. The overaLL pLan of the series has been given in the preface of
VoLume 1. The present VoLume 14 continues the description of the
mononucLear organotin compounds with tin-oxygen bonds (Chapter 1.4.1).
Treatment of organotin compounds with tin-sulfur, -selenium, and
-teLLurium bonds appeared earLier in Chapters 1.4.2 to 1.4.4 of VoLumes
9, 1982, and 10, 1983. VoLume 14 contains RSn-oxygen compounds with R =
methyL, ethyL, and prapyL, covering 2 the Literature compLeteLy to the
end of 1985. AdditionaL voLumes describing tin-oxygen compounds with
other RSn and RSn groups with foLLow in the near future. 2 Abbreviations
and symboLs are expLained on pp. X/XI aLong with other remarks. We thank
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Ekkehard FLuck and his coworkers at the GmeLin
Institute for their exceLLent cooperation. In particuLar, we thank Dr.
ULrich Krüerke for his accurate and sympathetic editing, Mr. Edgar
RudoLph for preparing the index, Dr. Grant for reading the EngLish text,
and Mr. Hans-Georg Karrenberg for drawing the numerous formuLas and
moLec- uLar structures. We thank Mrs. ELLen Redlinger, Miss Susanne
Schumann, and Miss Stefanie Schumann for their meticuLous handling of
the Literature index and the members of the chemicaL department of the
Library at the Technische Universität Berlin for their assistance in
searching and acquiring the references fram the Literature.