Sleeplessness has long been a blessing and a curse for many a writer.
Detrimental to health and concentration yet frequently a fantastic
source of creativity, sleeplessness has been both topic and motivation
for innumerable written works. This collection brings together notable
poems, stories and essays connected to sleeplessness written by some of
the most influential poets and writers to have ever existed, including
Shakespeare, Wordsworth, H.G. Wells, Dickens, and others. Highly
recommended for poetry lovers and night owls alike. Contents include:
"Nightwalks by Charles Dickens", "The Hours of Sleep by Alice Meynall",
"Insomnia by H.G. Wells", "On Sleep and Thought by A. G. Gardiner,
"Bells In the Rain, by Elinor Wylie", "Insomnia, by Dante Gabriel
Rossetti", "The Sleepers, by Walt Whitman", "To Sleep, by William
Wordsworth", etc. Read & Co. is proud to present this fantastic
collection of stories, essays and poems for the enjoyment of a new
generation of readers.