Tá Mamaí agus Daidí ag iarraidh dul amach don oíche. Ach cé a
thabharfaidh aire do Bheicí an tSióg? Déanann sí cleasa dána draíochta
ar gach duine. Níl duine ar bith sásta teacht. Duine ar bith ach amháin
Brídín Gícín. Anois, níl Beicí sásta! An féidir lena draíocht an scéal a
chur ina cheart?*** ***Uh oh. We have a problem. Mum and Dad want
to go for a romantic dinner but who will look after Bekki the Fairy?
Bekki's naughty magic spells have frightened away most of the
babysitters. Mikita the science student agrees to help but she has a lot
of homework to do. Is Bekki going to have a very boring night or can she
use her magic to brighten up the evening?