High efficiency, large scale, stationary computing systems -
supercomputers and data centers - are becoming increasingly important
due to the movement of data storage and processing onto remote cloud
servers. This book is dedicated to a technology particularly appropriate
for this application - superconductive electronics, in particular, rapid
single flux quantum circuits. The primary purpose of this book is to
introduce and systematize recent developments in superconductive
electronics into a cohesive whole to support the further development of
large scale computing systems.
A brief background into the physics of superconductivity and the
operation of common superconductive devices is provided, followed by an
introduction into different superconductive logic families, including
the logic gates, interconnect, and bias current distribution.
Synchronization, fabrication, and electronic design automation
methodologies are presented, reviewing both widely established concepts
and techniques as well as recent approaches. Issues related to memory,
synchronization, bias networks, and testability are described, and
models, circuits, algorithms, and design methodologies are discussed and
placed in context. The aim of this book is to provide insight and
engineering intuition into the design of large scale digital
superconductive circuits and systems.