Land use change has significant impact on the surface runoff process of
a watershed. In this book, methodology is described to combine an
empirical land use change model and an event scale, rainfall-runoff
model to quantify the impacts of potential land use change on the
storm-runoff generation in the Lai Nullah Basin. The HEC-HMS
rainfall-runoff model was calibrated and validated for 5 storm events in
the study area, and the results showed good consistency between the
simulated and measured hydrographs at the outlet (Katarian Bridge) of
the basin. The future land use scenario was forecasted based on
Islamabad Master Plan and growth pattern. The calibrated HEC-HMS model
was applied for these future land use scenarios to assess the potential
land use impacts on the storm-runoff generation. The results indicated
that the future land use as envisaged in the master plan is projected to
increase the total runoff up to 100.0% as well as the peak discharge up
to 83%. This book provide useful information for land use planner and
manager and the methods applied can serve as a useful tool for future
land use impact studies.