Climatic variation, continuously increasing population and market
infrastructure are driven forces to reduce agricultural productivity and
new management options and appropriate genotypes are the need of the day
to be considered for sustainable production. Crop simulation models can
be complementary tools in field experiments to develop innovative crop
management systems under continuous varying climatic conditions. In this
perspective, two dynamic crop growth models viz., APSIM (Agricultural
Production System Simulator) and DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agro
Technology Transfer) were calibrated and validated to predict growth and
yield of wheat under rainfed conditions for Pothwar region of Pakistan.
Experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with five
wheat varieties namely; Tatara, NARC-2009, Sehar-2006, SKD-1 and
F-Sarhad were planted by keeping individual plot size of 5 m x 3 m with
row spacing of 25 cm. Both the models were parameterized using different
agronomic parameters (phenological development, days after sowing,
drymatter accumulation, leaf area index and grain yield) and climatic