How did a major nucleated settlement respond to the Roman conquest?
Occupation of Silchester (Calleva) after the Roman invasion of
south-east Britain in A.D. 43 shows remarkable continuity from the
pre-Roman Iron Age oppidum. Although the settlement was crossed by
strategic Roman roads, the network of lanes and compounds, crowded with
round and rectangular buildings, otherwise remained little changed until
c. A.D. 85. The contents of rubbish pits and wells give remarkable
insights into the diet, occupations, identity and ritualistic behavior
of the inhabitants, while the richly varied provenances of the pottery
and other finds reveal the local, regional and long-distance connections
of the community. Although there is clear evidence of investment in the
town in the reign of Nero, the pre-existing settlement was not swept
away until the Roman street grid was established c. A.D. 85.
This volume follows on from the publication of Late Iron Age Calleva,
Britannia Monograph 32 (2018).