An urban fantasy roleplaying game of ancient nightmares and modern
Set in a mirror of our own world, Sigil & Shadow is a roleplaying game
of urban fantasy and occult horror in which players take on the roles of
illuminated heroes and shadowed monsters to face the rising tide of
supernatural forces. Ancient nightmares lurk behind the closed doors of
board rooms, entities from beyond time prowl the city streets, forgotten
rituals are reborn as viral memes. Do you take a stand against the
encroaching shadows? Or do you seek their power for yourself?
Powered by d00Lite: Sigil & Shadow uses a modified version of DwD
Studios' versatile d00Lite rules.
More choice, less complexity: Sigil & Shadow and the d00Lite rules
are highly accessible, with the focus squarely on the story rather than
the mechanics -- who the characters are and what they do, not how they
do it.
A thousand stories: A Sigil & Shadow campaign can be built around
a wide range of plots - a paranormal investigation team, a cell of
monster hunters, a cabal of occultists, a secret society of monstrous
misfits, an uneasy alliance of enemies united against a common foe...
A toolkit for your nightmares: Ask ten people to describe their
favorite vampires, werewolves, or zombies and you'll probably get a
dozen different archetypes. Sigil & Shadow is designed to accommodate
all these and more - a GM can develop character templates that fit their
own mythos, or players can build unique creatures from scratch.
What's old is new: The setting offered in Sigil & Shadow sees a
modern world buffeted by the tides of supernatural power. Beings of myth
wake from their slumber while modern cults sacrifice to pop-culture gods
and ancient cabals pursue their age-old schemes into the digital age.