Can the effects of early childhood traumas--traumas that may have seemed
small at the time but that have affected personality development--be
overcome in short-term therapy? Here, leaders in the field of short-term
therapy present a definitive statement on state-of-the-art intensive
dynamic short-term psychotherapy.
While they have approached these questions from different perspectives,
the renowned practitioners in this book note points of contact and
overlap among their ideas about the underlying causes of depression,
maladjustment, marital discord, character pathology, and posttraumatic
stress disorders. Each outlines the precise methods he or she uses with
patients to create emotional growth and reintegration, illustrating
these with cases and transcripts. Their methods can be proven
scientifically valid, taught to others, and reliably reproduced by
effectively trained psychotherapists with a wide variety of patients.
Readers will find variations on the theme of short-term therapy for
long-term change. Habib Davanloo was a colleague of Malan's and has
influenced Neborsky, Alpert, and McCullough. While Neborsky has devoted
himself to refining and presenting clearly Davanloo's theory and method,
Alpert has developed a method of accelerated empathic treatment and
McCullough has designed an anxiety-regulating therapy that is the
subject of several research studies. Solomon has applied dynamic
theories to treatment of intimate relationships. Shapiro, using EMDR,
approaches Big-T and small-t traumas in what seems initially a quite
different way but is shown ultimately to have many similarities to
short-term dynamic psychotherapy.
With this basis in research and clinical practice, the theories and
methods presented here have the potential to revolutionize psychodynamic