With an ode by Olafur Eliasson
Following Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Curating* *But
Were Afraid to Ask, this second volume in the series on international
curator Hans Ulrich Obrist presents a selection of his key writings from
the past two decades, which elaborate on the manifold thinkers,
curators, and events that influence his interdisciplinary practice of
exhibition making.
The collected essays form the compartments of Obrist's curatorial
toolbox, along with elucidating his views on stewardship, patronage, and
art itself. Influences and interlocutors cited and discussed here
include, among others, Alexander Dorner, Édouard Glissant, Claude
Lévi-Strauss, Jean-François Lyotard, Dominique de Menil, Josef Ortner,
Cedric Price, Sir John Soane, and Harald Szeemann.