Just a typical story of an ordinary teen...and his giant, former
mutant-hunting robot! High school sophomore Juston Seyfert has
discovered the battle-ravaged remains of a Sentinel in his family's
junkyard -- and used his prodigious technical skills to put the
mechanical monolith back together! After exploiting his refurbished
weapon of mutant destruction to make himself popular -- and get revenge
on his bullies -- you'd think that Juston would be on top of the world.
But instead, he finds himself torn up inside by the guilt brought on by
his selfish acts. And as his fame starts to spread, he attracts the
attention of the authorities! Will Juston and his Sentinel be seen as
heroes...or deadly threats? And will that answer change when the
Sentinel reverts to its original anti-mutant programming?
COLLECTING: Sentinel (2003) 1-12