Role of sensory nerves in disease.- Neuropathic Pain: A Clinical
Perspective.- Visceral Pain: The Neurophysiological Mechanism.-
Migraine.- Afferent Nerve Regulation of Bladder Function in Health and
Disease.- Sensory Nerves and Airway Irritability.- Regulation of Cardiac
Afferent Excitability in Ischemia.- Roles of Gastro-oesophageal
Afferents in the Mechanisms and Symptoms of Reflux Disease.- Cell and
molecular mechanisms regulating sensory nerve function.- Transient
Receptor Potential Channels on Sensory Nerves.- Acid-Sensitive Ion
Channels and Receptors.- Purines and Sensory Nerves.-
Sensory-Nerve-Derived Neuropeptides: Possible Therapeutic Targets.-
Cytokine and Chemokine Regulation of Sensory Neuron Function.- The Role
of Peptides in Central Sensitization.- Current and Future treatment
strategies targeting sensory nerves.- Opioids and Sensory Nerves.- The
Pharmacology of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels in Sensory Neurones.- Role
of Calcium in Regulating Primary Sensory Neuronal Excitability.- Future
Treatment Strategies for Neuropathic Pa.