Sin amargura ni sentimentalismo, Francisco Jiménez termina de contar la
historia de su juventud en esta conmovedora secuela a Cajas de
At the age of fourteen, Francisco Jimenez, together with his older
brother Roberto and his mother, are caught by la migra. Forced to leave
their home, the entire family travels all night for twenty hours by bus,
arriving at the U.S. and Mexican border in Nogales, Arizona. In the
months and years that follow, Francisco, his mother and father, and his
seven brothers and sister not only struggle to keep their family
together, but also face crushing poverty, long hours of labor, and
blatant prejudice. How they sustain their hope, their goodheartedness,
and tenacity is revealed in this moving sequel to The Circuit. Without
bitterness or sentimentality, Francisco Jimnez finishes telling the
story of his youth.