It's safe to say that world-famed speaker and author Og Mandino has as
many friends as any man alive, thanks to his inspiring motivational
lectures and his bestselling books. This new book is a special gift to
all his friends, old and new, a book they may cherish above all the
rest. Secrets for Success and Happiness is Og's beautifully written
journal, an intimate record of his innermost thoughts and feelings, the
heartwarming events of his day-to-day life.
Whether he's writing in his old New Hampshire farmhouse on a snowy
winter day or in a hotel room just about anywhere in the country;
whether he's refilling the bird feeder, comforting a sick friend, racing
to catch a plane, receiving a standing ovation, or planting his
tomatoes, Og weaves his secrets of success into the fabric of his life
and the pages of his book. He shares anecdotes, both sad and funny, and
his feelings about his fan mail and the people he meets. And when
trouble comes to him, he shares that, too.
Living with Og and listening to his thoughts as the rich days unfold, we
once again find the sheer joy of wondering what tomorrow will bring, and
the courage never to look back on yesterday.