Welcome to The Sprawl...
Sci-fi skirmishes are an increasingly popular genre of war game but they
are more dependent than most on good scenarios to keep them varied and
exciting. John Lambshead has taken the work out of scenario building. He
presents a selection of thirty-six missions of varying complexity, each
with clear objectives and victory conditions, a map showing set-up zones
and some with special rules. Although they are set in his imagined
dystopian city of Civitas Cavernum (aka The Sprawl), with its factions
of Scavs, Proctors, Cultists and Corporates, the scenarios are designed
to be adaptable to almost any setting and set of rules (including those
published in the author's One-hour Skirmish Wargames). In addition,
there are no less than three mini-campaigns that link the scenarios
together in various combinations.
But that is not all. John Lambshead gives advice on designing your own
scenarios and campaigns and there is even a set of tables allowing you
to quickly create them through random dice rolls, ensuring almost
infinite variety to your games. Finally, there is a useful reference
section listing websites of rules publishers and manufacturers of
suitable miniatures and model terrain. Welcome to The Sprawl (but keep
your gun close and your mask on).