The book is devoted to the study of V. Nabokov's work in the aspect of
national-cultural specificity. The problem of the ambiguity of the
definition of the writer's work within the framework of any one literary
tradition is one of the directions of modern Nabokovian studies. The
author of this work turns to the consideration of the English prose of
the bilingual writer within the category of "discourse". The concept of
"Russian discourse" reflects the national and cultural aspect of the
extra-linguistic continuum of discourse semantics, which organizes the
structure of the work on the principle of contrasting comparison of its
multicultural components. The chapters of the book offered to the reader
are devoted to three works of the writer "The Real Life of Sebastian
Knight", "Pnin", "Speak, Memory", reflecting different stages of his
career as an English-speaking author. The author considers the
dialectics of local and universalist tendencies in the interaction of
cultural subtexts of Nabokov's prose: both the specificity of the
Russian origin, which constitutes a certain authorial intention, and the
intercultural context in which it receives its comprehension.