From the Olympic Games to community-level competitions, sports events
can be complex and pose a particular set of managerial challenges. The
Routledge Handbook of Sports Event Management surveys the management
of sports events around the world of every size and scale, from small to
mega-events, including one-off and recurring events, and single-sport
and multi-sport events.
The book adopts a unique stakeholder perspective, structured around the
groups and individuals who have an interest in and co-create sports
events, including organising committees, promoters, sport organisations,
spectators, community groups, sponsors, host governments, the media and
NGOs. Each chapter addresses a specific stakeholder, defines that
stakeholder and its relationships with sports events, describes the
managerial requirements for a successful event, assesses current
research and directions for future research, and outlines the normative
dimensions of stakeholder engagement (such as sustainability and
No other book takes such a broad view of sports event management,
surveying key theory, current research, best practice, and moral and
ethical considerations in one volume. With contributions from leading
sport and event scholars from around the world, the Routledge Handbook
of Sports Event Management is essential reading for any advanced
student, researcher or professional with an interest in sport
management, sport development, sport policy or events.