Available again, Roni Horn's collective self-portrait via accounts of
the weather
"Everyone has a story about the weather. This may be the single thing
each of us holds in common. And though the weather varies greatly from
here to there, it is, ultimately, one weather that we share. Small talk
everywhere has occasioned the popular distribution of the weather. Some
say talking about the weather is talking about oneself. And with each
passing day, the weather increasingly becomes ours, if not us. Weather
Reports You is one beginning of a collective self-portrait," writes
Roni Horn, "a metaphor for the physical, metaphysical, political, social
and moral energy of a person and a place".
This book is a new edition of the original Weather Reports You of
2007, a gathering of oral reports on the weather made on location in
Iceland, accompanied by snapshots taken at the time and place of each