Ancient Rome (Roma) - originally a community in ancient Italy, then a
slave-owning city-state (polis), from the name of Rome in Latin Roma and
called all peoples, whose languages were derived from Latin, Romanesque
peoples, Romanesque languages. Romans have subordinated in the beginning
to itself all Apennines peninsula; subsequently a considerable part of
Europe, coast of northern Africa, Asia Minor, Syria. Rome has arisen in
area Lacium (Latium), on the left coast of the river Tiber. Constant
settlements in Latium apparently have appeared only at the end of the
2nd millennium BC. They belonged to ancestors of an Italian tribe of
Latin (from them also the name Latin). In 8-6 centuries B.C. the Latins
intensified the process of decomposition of primitive communal
relations, private property appeared, classes were born. Fortified
settlements of the city appeared. At the end of the 7th century B.C. a
union of 30 Latin cities was formed, headed by the city of Alboy-Longoi
(this is the so-called Latin Union). Alba, Alba, the name of several
cities in Italy; Alba Longa Alba Longa (can be translated from Latin as
"white, distant", apparently the mountain), the oldest city of Lazium,
founded by Ascania Yul, son of Aeneas, at the foot of the Albanian
mountain, the forerunner of Rome.