The present situation of mango orchards needs special attention, where
about all mango orchards are suffering due to disease problem, causing
sudden death or quick decline of mango trees. For the first time, this
study was carried out to manage mango orchards from the incidence of
sudden death disease with the application of nutrients fertilizers
because healthy tree is regarded more resistant or tolerant against the
infection of diseases. Regarding disease severity of sudden death, it
was minimized on an average approx. 19 % by application of all nutrient
combinations as compared with severity on all the trees before
application. The maximum reduction in disease severity was found approx
31 % on plants applied with zinc sulphate, copper sulphate along with
nitrogen-phosphorous and humic acid as mandatory ingredients. Even
though, slight disease reduction ( about 8 %) was also observed on mango
trees where only Urea, TSP fertilizers were applied.Therefore, balanced
nutrients application has provided a significant solution for farmer
community against suppression of sudden death disease.