Have you struggled for just the right phrase when grappling with a class
assignment? Crafting an office memo, do you want greater clarity and
concision? Pounding away at a last-minute blog entry, haven't you ever
thought, There has to be a better word for this? Now there is.
Under the time-tested and respected banner of Roget's Thesaurus, here is
an array of words and their definitions organized by meaning. With this
volume at your side, you need never be stalled or stymied for an
appropriate expression, whether speaking of the higher reaches of
philosophy or holding forth on art, music, or poetry--or other highbrow
The more you expand your vocabulary, the richer and clearer your writing
and conversation will become. And the better you'll be able to say
exactly what you mean, joining intellectual discussions with confidence
that you've found just the right words.