This book addresses the problems of identifying human actions behind
finds of bones in settlement archaeology, exemplified with the
identification of ritual deposits. In order to formulate a
methodological framework for approaching the identification of ritual
deposits, different methods are tested on four Early Medieval case
studysites: Dongjum and Leeuwarden, two artificial dwelling mounds
situated in the then undiked salt marches of the Northern Netherlands,
Midlaren, an inland settlement in Drenthe, also in the Northern
Netherlands, and finally Uppåkra, a central place in the South of
Sweden. The bone fragments from the four materials are studied in a five
step process of definition, description, identification, interpretation
and explanation. The deposits are discussed with the help of various
archaeological, ethnographic and historical sources. The results of the
analysis lead to a methodological framework for understanding individual
deposits based on a holistic perspective where all information is
regarded as potentially valuable, various methods are taken into
consideration, and simplification is avoided.