The theory of risk already has its traditions. A review of its classical
results is contained in Bohlmann (1909). This classical theory was
associated with life insurance mathematics, and dealt mainly with
deviations which were expected to be produced by random fluctua- tions
in individual policies. According to this theory, these deviations are
discounted to some initial instant; the square root of the sum of the
squares of the capital values calculated in this way then gives a
measure for the stability of the portfolio. A theory constituted in this
manner is not, however, very appropriate for practical purposes. The
fact is that it does not give an answer to such questions as, for
example, within what limits a company's probable gain or loss will lie
during different periods. Further, non-life insurance, to which risk
theory has, in fact, its most rewarding applications, was mainly outside
the field of interest of the risk theorists. Thus it is quite
understandable that this theory did not receive very much attention and
that its applications to practical problems of insurance activity
remained rather unimportant. A new phase of development began following
the studies of Filip Lundberg (1909, 1919), which, thanks to H. Cramer
(1926), e.O.