Preface All rings are assumed to be associative and (except for nilrings
and some stipulated cases) to have nonzero identity elements. A ring A
is said to be regular if for every element a E A, there exists an
element b E A with a = aba. Regular rings are well studied. For example,
[163] and [350] are devoted to regular rings. A ring A is said to be
tr-regular if for every element a E A, there is an element n b E A such
that an = anba for some positive integer n. A ring A is said to be
strongly tr-regular if for every a E A, there is a positive integer n
with n 1 n an E a + An Aa +1. It is proved in [128] that A is a
strongly tr-regular ring if and only if for every element a E A, there
is a positive integer m with m 1 am E a + A. Every strongly tr-regular
ring is tr-regular [38]. If F is a division ring and M is a right
vector F-space with infinite basis {ei} l' then End(MF) is a regular
(and tr-regular) ring that is not strongly tr-regular. The factor ring
of the ring of integers with respect to the ideal generated by the
integer 4 is a strongly tr-regular ring that is not regular.