The Theological Conference between the Church of England and the
Evangelical Church in Germany is a key component of the Meissen
Declaration, which was adopted 30 years ago and to which the churches
have committed themselves in order to resolve the outstanding
differences between the participating churches. To highlight the
importance of the relations in a time of political uncertainty, the
2019's conference was dedicated to Revisiting the Meissen Declaration
after 30 years. Discussion focused on the interchangeability of
ministries, with reference to the understanding of this by the church
and episcopate. The papers focus on significant ecclesial and
historical/theological developments. They attend to questions about the
church and the episcopate with regard to ecclesial identity and in light
of contemporary European ecumenical developments as well as sociological
changes over the last three decades. With papers by Mark Chapman,
Jonathan Gibbs, Matthias Grebe, Stephen Hampton, Ralf Meister,
Friederike Nussel, Bernd Oberdorfer, Rowena Pailing, Hilke Rebenstorf,
Andrea Russell, Christof Theilemann, Martin Wallraff and Michael