Editor's note/An interview with Gerald Murnane by Antoni Jach/Looking
for Writers Beyond Their Work by John Griswold/Five Silhouettes by Luis
Chitarroni (translated by Sarah Denaci)/Seven and a Half Studies by S.D.
Chrostowska/Nine Suppositions Concerning Bouvard and Pecuchet by Jacques
Jouet (translated by E.C. Gogolak)/Irrationality, Situations, and Novels
of Inquiry by Thalia Field/Margins and Mirrors by Warren Motte/The Colon
by Lily Hoang and Bhanu Kapil/The Fragile Shelter of the Declarative: On
Edouard Leve by Adrian West/Transgressive Autofictions by Jacques
Houis/Contributors/Translators/Acknowledgments/Book Reviews/Books
Received/Annual Index