In our world of increasing cyber-attack, threatened nuclear war and
climate change, mankind seems locked into ancient hard-wired tribal
patterns of suspicion and aggression.
Popularist nationalism, fuelled by fake news via social media and vested
mega-industry interests, is an overwhelming scientific reality. The
evolutionary jump 200,000 years ago, which enabled an insignificant ape
in Africa to develop the critical social skills to dominate the planet,
is now threatening its existence. Homo sapiens sapiens needs another
evolutionary jump - but will it come in time?
In a laboratory in Cambridge University, a distinguished neurologist is
close to developing a revolutionary brain stem cell therapy which may
restore lost functions. Unexpectedly, he is forced to use it secretly
when a close friend and colleague develops rapidly progressive dementia.
The results are far, far more than ever dreamed of. Could this be the
beginning of a new era of hope for humanity, and can it survive the
hostile agents committed to eliminate it?