Winner of Christian Retailing's 2005 Retailer's Choice Award for Best
A deadly diagnosis....
In the fifth and final audiobook in the Redemption series, plans are
being made for a family reunion. Nearly all the Baxters have a reason to
celebrate--except one. As the preparations get under way, a deadly
diagnosis sends shock waves through the family and threatens to tear
them apart.
A heartbreaking secret....
The reality of what might lie ahead brings each of the Baxters to a
place of faith and honesty. In the process, John and Elizabeth come to
grips with a secret they haven't shared with anyone, a secret they
rarely admit even to themselves. At the same time, a young man is making
his rise in Hollywood and wondering about his place in life.
A glorious celebration....
Amid the threat of sorrow, the Baxters share in their most wonderful
celebration of all--a moment to remember that love always wins out, no
matter how long the struggle, and God reigns even in the darkest night.
A story of God's grace and redemption, even in the most difficult times.