The study of retroviruses is known as retrovirology. Retrovirus is any
group of viruses that belong to the family of retroviridae, these
viruses carry their genetic blueprint in the form of ribonucleic acid.
In most viruses, DNA is translated into RNA, and then RNA is translated
into protein. However, retroviruses function differently, as their RNA
is reversed into DNA. Retroviruses affect both humans and animals. In
animals, it causes tumor growth and certain cancers that are linked with
slow infections such as equine infectious anemia. Whereas in human
beings, retroviruses such as HTLV-1 cause cancer called adult T-cell
leukemia. HIV retrovirus in humans causes disease like AIDS. The
treatment of infection by retroviruses includes antiretroviral drugs and
medications. This book contains some path-breaking studies in the field
of retrovirology. It presents researches and studies performed by
experts across the globe. Students, researchers, experts and all
associated with retrovirology will benefit alike from this book.