The chemistry, manufacture, and uses of the specialty chemical
resorcinol (1,3-dihy- droxybenzene) have a rich history, variety, and
current interest. This book is intended to be the first detailed review
of this product. The numerous references and the Index given in the book
are intended to help users of resorcinol and resorcinol derivatives in
their work, perhaps even to help in the development of new ideas. The
chemical industry in the United States, as well as in many other parts
of the world, is being challenged on many fronts, old and new, due to
global competitive, environmental, governmental, political, and
technological trends that seem more variable than ever before. The case
of resorcinol mirrors this array of challenges and demonstrates the
broad range of successes and some of the problems of the industry. It is
shown how a sprout of a chemical grew over time into a sizable, still
growing item of co erce. In the description of this development it
becomes apparent how many different talents and trades it takes to
develop, manufacture, and market a product. Also given are indications
of how academic research and applied research/devel- opment quite often,
intentionally or not, influence each other and can spur the creative
process to the benefit of both. Areas are outlined where the current,
often intense, work employing resorcinol is aimed. Thus, the old
chemical is shown to be involved in an intriguing tomorrow.