By using ψ-operator we define a new type of dense set, codense ideal,
many type of maps and studied their properties and relationships, and
carries them from a space to other space by using ψ-map and their
generalizations . We will define and study many definitions of
resolvable spaces, I-open, pre-open and pre-I-open sets by using
ψ-operator and their properties and relationships between them. A new
definition of compatible and many theorems have been introduced and by
using ψ-operator a new definition of perfect set. Also new type of
ψ-operator denoted by ψψ-operator. The behavior of this operator has
been studied through section three, and the relationships with our new
definition in section one have been introduced. And new definition of
hereditarily irresolvable and many generalizations by using ψ-operator .
finally we use ψ-operator to define Baire set and we show how to link
these concepts to ideal topological groups.