Rail integrity is a current application of engineering fracture
mechanics at a practical level. Although railroad rails have been
manufactured and used for more than a century, it is only in the last
ten years that the effects of their crack propagation and fracture
characteristics have been considered from a rational viewpoint. The J,
Jractical objectives are to develop damage tolerance delines for rail
inspection and to improve the fracture resistance of new rail
productiOn. Rail fatigue crack propagation rates and fracture resistance
are strongly influenced by residual stresses, which are introduced into
the rail both during proouction and in service. Therefore, the rail
residual stress field must be well understood before fracture mechanics
can be usefully applied to the subject of rail integrity. The
three-dintensional character of rail and its stress fields make it
essential to apply both experimental and analytical methods in order to
twderstand the effects of pro- duction and service variables on residual
stress and the effects of the stress on fatigue crack propagation and
fracture. This volume brings to ether field observations and
experimental stress analysis of railroad rails in the Umted States and
Europe. The ongoing search for an efficient and accurate technique is
emphasized. A companion volume brings together several analytical
investigations, based on advanced compu- tational mechanics methods, for
correlation of the experimental data as well as eval- uation of the
effects of residual stress on rail integrity.