Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education offers
researchers a full understanding of very important concepts, showing how
they can be used a means to develop practical strategies for undertaking
research that makes a difference to the lives of marginalised and
disadvantaged learners. It explores different conceptualisations of
social justice and equity, and leads the reader through a discussion of
what their implications are for undertaking educational research that is
both moral and ethical and how it can be enacted in the context of their
chosen research method and a variety of others, both well-known and more
The authors draw on real, practical examples from a range of educational
contexts, including early childhood, special and inclusive education and
adult education, and cultures located in both western and developing
nations in order to exemplify how researchers can use methods which
contribute to the creation of more equitable education systems. In this
way, the authors provide a global perspective of the contrasting and
creative ways in which researchers reflect on and integrate principles
of social justice in their methods and their methodological decision
It encourages the reader to think critically about their own research by
asking key questions, such as: what contribution can research for equity
and social justice make to new and emerging methods and methodologies?
And how can researchers implement socially just research methods from a
position of power? This book concludes by proposing a range of methods
and methodologies which researchers can use to challenge inequality and
work towards social justice, offering a springboard from which they can
further their own studies.