Projected by the United Nations to become one of the six most populous
nations in the world by 2050, Nigeria is home to the largest share of
Sub-Saharan Africa's millions of unelectrified population. Nigeria's
liberalised electricity sector rests on a decentralised governance
structure embedded in law and policy. The top-down approach in practice,
however, creates opportunities for more participation and deployment of
decentralised renewable energy options.
The book has three main parts, offering a comprehensive overview of the
renewable energy and rural electrification landscape in Nigeria. The
first explores conceptual frameworks underpinning universal access to
electricity and the emerging discourse in the global development agenda.
The second presents critical analyses of legislation, policies, and
institutional roles in the sector. The third contains lessons from
cross-jurisdictional models and practices, and the approaches to
technology and governance that have delivered varied results elsewhere.
Anyone seeking comprehensive understanding of both concept and practice
of renewable energy and rural electrification in Nigeria,
multidisciplinary practitioners who want in-depth analyses of relevant
laws and policies, and researchers and students looking to advance the
frontiers of the subject will find the book an indispensable resource.