A famous French writer, Anatole France, liked to say, "The future is a
convenient place to position our dreams" (1927). Indeed, this remark
gains full meaning when one considers the history of what we call today
"Robotics." For more than 3000 years, mankind has dreamt ofthe
possibility of arti- ficial machines that would have all the advantages
of human slaves without any of their drawbacks. With the developments in
technology since the end of World War II, mainly with the explosive
progress of computers, it was thought we might at last succeed in
transforming this everlasting dream into reality. In the mind of
scientists of the 1950's, to make such intelligent and autonomous
machines before the year 2000 seemed a small challenge: it was obvious,
thanks to computers and Artificial Intelligence. But, in spite of
progress in some directions, we must admit that the dream remains a
dream and that the basic problems denying us a successful issue are not
solved. In fact, if we except industrial robots, only calling for
classical automata theory, the main advanced result concerning
autonomous and intelligent machines is related to some understanding of
reasons why we have failed during the past years.