Perhaps being old is like having lighted rooms Inside your head, and
people in them, acting People you know, but can't quite name. Philip
lArkin This book is about those very old people who have a great many
memories but few friends left to share them with. It is about valuing
and using their memories to enhance the quality of their lives, that is,
about reminiscence work. Many professionals offer this help to older
people, including nurses, social workers, occupational therapists and
clinical psychologists, as do families and voluntary workers. Its
elements can be incorporated into day-to-day contacts with older people
or it may take place in more structured settings. The transitional
period from mature middle age to dependent old age is neither distinct
nor precise. It does not occur at an identifiable time, it may be
prolonged and it may not be obvious to the old people or their families.
Loss of autonomy; the inability to cope unaided with the tasks of daily
living, and increasing physical and mental frailty probably signal the
area of transition. The diminished self-confidence that some old people
feel at this time may be compounded by personal loss and financial
difficulties; enforced changes in their lifestyles may also add to their