Here within the pages of this book, you will discover an assortment of
poems on a variety of themes that we can all relate to. Haikus, rhymes
and free verse that affect us all at some point in our busy lives: some
humorous, some romantic, some heart-touching, some dark, some festive
and even some on animal and plant themes, questioning us on our
responsibilities on the welfare of our planet and the cosmos.
You may look upon these as a mixed packet of sweets. So, please sit
back, relax and delve at your pleasure inside, until you find a
delicious sugary one that you relish and taste!
The author presents to the reader, a fine selection of fifty-five poems
brought together, for the first time finally in print, to reminisce upon
his fifty-fifth year of life, accompanied by his very own paintings,
illustrations, sketches and photos too.