In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. (John 1:1
and 4; KJV) Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6; KJV) Throughout my
entire life, I have known about God. As far back as my mind is able to
retrieve, I see where God's grace was being weaved in, out and around my
life. He revealed Himself to me many times through the abundance of
grace and mercy He bestowed upon me, especially during times of illness,
grief, distress and imminent danger. There were times when I had fallen
so deep into depression it felt like "life" was nearing an end. During
those times, I found hope, comfort and sure promises while studying the
word of God. On many occasions, my heart would begin to overflow with
reflections of gratitude for the life-giving power of the word.
Meditating on the word and allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to my
troubled heart, renewed my strength and delivered my mind from the
influence and allure of the "accuser". The poetic reflections contained
in this book resulted from several years of recordings that poured from
my heart during my devotional times with God. I am grateful that His
Spirit nudged me to record some of my thoughts because rereading them
continues to be a source of encouragement and strength. Contained in
this book are the poetic reflections of my heart. I pray that as you
peruse this literary collection, you would experience the same heartfelt
connections with the Lord that I experienced as each piece began to seep
through the crevices in the chambers of my heart, as they began to
materialize in written form: the Reflections of My Heart. May God
comfort, revive, refill and empower you as you read the pages of this
reflective work.