A collection of essays and personal narratives about living, writing,
teaching, and learning in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
These are real stories from the field of writing and rhetoric, as told
by the stories of individuals working within it.
This particular collection of essays was occasioned first by the
Conference on College Composition & Communication (CCCC) 2020
Conference, and then, later, by the cancellation of it. In its original
conception, it was intended to document a conference experience; in its
current expression, it has become a means for Documentarians to share a
common experience in this uncommon time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This volume is a collection of accounts of the shared experience of
disruption in our work lives--which, as it turns out, also teaches us
how deeply the terms of our work are implicated in our experiences of
home, family, and everyday routines.